
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Children are one of our greatest assets and responsibilities. From birth to graduation, as a church, we are tasked with leading them by example and teaching them what it is like to go out into this world with compassion, care, and allowing our light for Christ to shine. 


A nursery and childcare is provided for ages birth through 3 years old. Nursery is available on Sunday mornings from 9:30 am - the end of morning worship, Wednesday evenings from 6:30 - the end of service and at most of the special events for the church. 

Sunday school

This is an opportunity for the children to learn more about the Word of God in a smaller setting. It is geared toward their various age groups and skill levels. Teachers provide lessons, crafts, and great learning opportunities for them on a weekly basis, it is on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. 

Children's Church

Led by our youth minister James Judkins and his wife, Leslie, this is a chance for ages 3-3rd grade to have a "sermon" during the morning worship time. This is also a time to teach church etiquette, behavior, and planting the seeds of a Christlike lifestyle in our youth. Takes place during Sunday morning worship, 10:30 am until (generally) 11:30 am. 

Faith Friends

On Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, children are divided up based on their grade level in order to learn in small groups the foundations of the Bible and Christian values. This is a great mid-week opportunity for the youth for building relationships with their peers. 

Special Annual Events

There are several annual events that are held through the year with dates and times to be determined. Each year we host a Fall Festival, Mission opportunities, Vacation Bible School, Sports events, etc. Keep a check on our Facebook and announcements for more inflation as it arrives. 

Sports outreach

We currently have a sports outreach in our church and our community. We host a recreational basketball season in the fall and a recreational soccer season in the spring. This is a chance for volunteers to come together to network with members of the church and community. 

Wednesday Teen Group

Students from 6th grade through 12th grade come together in the gymnasium area on Wednesday nights for worship and teaching geared specifically for their ages. Youth Minister, James Judkins prepares lessons to discuss topics specific to struggles this age faces and helps to grow their faith and steadfastness. 

Sunday Mornings


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum faucibus accumsan nulla, non faucibus velit convallis et. Nulla tempus placerat massa. 

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